Development of an All-Weather Deepwater Greenfield Port at Keni, Uttara Kannnada District, Karnataka on Public Private Parternship model

In a major and momentous step towards the development of the Maritime Sector of Karnataka, Karnataka Maritime Board has awarded the Project “development of an All-Weather Greenfield Port at Keni, Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka under Public-Private-Partnership model” consortium of JSW Infrastructure Limited which was the H1 Bidder for the project.
With an estimated development cost of ₹4,119 Crores, this Port is expected to be one of India’s largest ports with the cargo handling capacity of 30 MTPA.
Shri Devki Nandan, Head – M&A and Business Development, JSW Infrastructure paid a visit to the Karnataka Maritime Board office in Bengaluru on 16.11.2023 for the official acceptance of the Leher of Award.
Currently, two ports i.e., Karwar and Old Mangalore Port are operational out of the 13 non-major port limits in Karnataka. Among all the coastal states in India, Karnataka is the sole state which does not have a Port under PPP model and thus, this venture is a huge step towards leveraging the true maritime potential of Karnataka.
The Greenfield port will provide quick access to the world markets to Karnataka-based industries especially the areas of coastal Karnataka by boosting the trade as well as socio-economic scenario of the hinterland.